“I guarantee it.”
Even today, years removed from when the ads were first aired, when I hear that phrase, I can still picture the owner and CEO of Men’s Wearhouse talking about how you would “love the way you look” if you bought a suit from him.
Today, it’s unusual to hear those kinds of promises or guarantees, which is a shame. So at Loop1, we are reviving this notion.
We guarantee you will get more from your SolarWinds tools and the teams that use them when you engage with Loop1.

We are launching our “Certified Secure Orion” offer for SolarWinds Orion deployments to kick off this new guarantee.
Our SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) engineers will audit your Orion deployment against documented best practices and certify your deployment secure. During the audit, we will identify, document, and remediate minor configuration issues, assuming your environment’s necessary change control permissions are set to allow. Over the last six months, Loop1 has helped hundreds of Orion administrators remediate their deployments. On many occasions, we observed a need to better communicate to leadership that the environment was fully remediated and ready to be trusted.
Now, you might be asking,
“Are they nuts?! How can they possibly guarantee my Orion instance is secure?!“
So, I should clarify, our certification is a “point in time” audit and certification exercise. We can validate that the deployment has been correctly configured and secured, but we can’t promise it will stay that way.
So our certification is not a warranty against future security issues. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that, not even our experts! Indeed, there may be times where the work required to remediate a deployment appropriately will be beyond the scope of what the audit can provide, so when that happens, we will let you know.
So, we’ve built the process, vetted it with our attorneys, and we are ready to go.
If you would like to be able to provide your boss with a “Certified Secure Orion” letter from Loop1, give us a call, we’ll help you out.